Sign installation on Horsebarn Hill
Alexa Ott installing a sign for Salience of Affordances research at UConn. Photo: K. Marsh.

Research at UConn

Title: Salience of Affordances
Description: In this project, we will document the listed activities that come to mind for individuals when they explore natural (versus built) outdoor environments. In addition, we will examine if engaging natural environments enables individuals to experience self-efficacy and leads to more psychological benefits.
Contact person: Shu Jiang at (Department of Psychological Sciences, Social-Ecological and Environmental Lab)
Cornus kousa, near TLS (photo: Cynthia Jones)


List of resources for anti-racism in the outdoors.

Rakow, D. A., and G. T. Eells. 2019. NatureRx: Improving College-Student Mental Health. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York.

Williams, F. 2017. The Nature Fix. W. W. Norton & Company, New York, New York USA.

Selected references:

Akers, A., J. Barton, R. Cossey, P. Gainsford, M. Griffin, and D. Micklewright. 2012. Visual color perception in green exercise: positive effects on mood and perceived exertion. Environmental Science & Technology 46: 8661-8666. 10.1021/es301685g

Antonelli, M., D. Donelli, G. Barbieri, M. Valussi V. Maggini, and F. Firenzuoli. 2020. Forest volatile organic compounds and their effects on human health: A state-of-the-art review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17. 10.3390/ijerph17186506

Bratman, G. N., J. P. Hamilton, K. S. Hahn G. C. Daily, and J. J. Gross. 2015. Nature experience reduces rumination and subgenual prefrontal cortex activation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 112: 8567-8572. 10.1073/pnas.1510459112

Hartig, T., R. Mitchell, S. De Vries, and H. Frumpkin. 2014. Nature and health. Annual Review of Public Health 35: 207-228. 10.1146/annurev-publhealth-032013-182443

Lai H., E. J. Flies, P. Weinstein, and A. Woodward. 2019. The impact of green space and biodiversity on health. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 17: 383-390. 10.1002/fee.2077

MacKerron, G., and S. Mourato. 2013. Happiness is greater in natural environments. Global Environmental Change 23: 992-1000. 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2013.03.010

Meredith, G. R., D. A. Rakow, E. R. B. Eldermire, C. G. Madsen, S. P. Shelley, and N. A. Sachs. 2019. Minimum time dose in nature to positively impact the mental health of college-aged students, and how to measure It: A scoping review. Frontiers in Psycholology 10: 2942. 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02942

Ratcliffe, E., B. Gatersleben, and P. T. Sowden. 2013. Bird sounds and their contributions to perceived attention restoration and stress recovery. Journal of Environmental Psychology 36: 221-228. 10.1016/j.jenvp.2013.08.004